CNF Announces' Her Programmes and Initiatives

CNF Announces' Her Programmes and Initiatives

CNF Programmes & Inititives 

Our programmes are designed to facilitate us to effectively protect and promote human rights for everyone, especially those that are most vulnerable to exploitation and abuse, scrutinize and challenge institutional policies and practices in Nigeria criminal justice system that compound exclusion to disadvantaged, indigent and vulnerable citizens.


Our Initiatives;

  1. Palliative Support
  2. Peace Mediation/Intervention,
  3. Resettlement of displaced persons
  4. Rebuilding of destroyed accommodation
  5. Economic/Livelihood Recovery Support

Our Programmes;

  1. Disabled Children Intervention
  2. Empowerment Programme
  3. Education Support Programme
  4. Medical Outreach
  5. IDP Intervention


We put the experiences of victims of injustice and conflicts at the heart of our work, and we recognize that many aspects of the existing structure and practices within the Nigeria criminal justice system compound exclusion for disadvantaged, indigent and vulnerable citizens.

Our strategies includes but not limited to investigating wrongs, exposing the facts and offering solutions, advocating for the indigent and providing them various dimensions of humanitarian assistance especially those in prison. To deploy these effectively AJAHF is structured into six operational sub units namely; 

  1. Strategic Planning, Deployment, Implementation And Evaluation Unit
  2. Advocacy, Liaison And
  3. Strategic Partnership Unit
  4. Media And Public Relations Unit
  5. Legal Unit
  6. Medical Unit
  7. Fund-raising Unit
